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loving life. and when times are rough, trying.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Past few crazy days

The past week or so has been a blur of highs and lows. The whole being homeless thing, would be liberating, if it wasn't for the fact that works starts on Monday and I have so much shit that I don't know what I'm going to do. I guess I could just give it away to the other homeless people on the metro and live in my suitcases. Kelly and I have considered that. Anyways, everything ranges from being manically happy and laughing till I'm about to cry to actually just crying. Well more, Kelly than me, on the crying front, if you just excuse the total panic attack I almost had two nights ago while drunk on the metro, with strangers no less. Anyways, We moved out of Noisy, and into Pigale. We live next to the sexodrum. it's great. Pigale is fun, but sketchy beyond control. I've seen more hookers in the past few nights, then I'll probably see for the rest of my life... i hope. Anyways, there is no shower, no wifi and a public toilet. It's a box. Friends have been kind enough to let us use their shower. So the highest point was when Kelly and I found an apartment right next to the Eiffel Tower. It was amazing and cute and we could afford it with three people. PERFECT. the landlady said, she would hold it for us and pretty much the apartment was ours. Cloud 9. Anyways, from there things slowly started to unwind. I had met another girl from my program back in the US who had said if ever there was a situation where we needed a third, she was interested. However, asking her to to deposit 2K into a French bank account for a place she hasn't even seen seemed like asking a little too much. Anyways, I asked, she understandably was skeptical and said no. It was a similar case with other friends we have made. No one wanted to say yes to the apt. without seeing it. (we had pictures etc) but still, and I get where they are coming from. But anyways, this caused us to get totally desperate, since we had already secured this amazing apartment and were about to lose it for lack of a third person. I posted on the TAPIF facebook page, put out a craigslist add, it got grim. Mind you, all this is being done within 1 day. We just saw the apartment, that's the pace of real estate here. Also, we had no internet, so all of this was being done form our office, the local Mc Donalds (free wifi). We were there till 1:30 am, and were finally forced to leave because of the overwhelming # of homeless people that were crowding around us. The next day, we woke up and headed straight to the office and started searching for a potential third again. We were meeting with our land lord at 6:30 that evening to sign the contract and get the keys. We pretty much sat at the mcdonalds calling random people from facebook and craigslist, asking them to meet us at the Macdo off Pigale. lol. We met with around 8 or 9 people until we hit jackpot. Enter Gabby. She's the shit. lol. She responded to my craigslist post, I called her, she came to Pigale and pretty much within the first few min. it was clear we were going to get along and most importantly, she understood how we couldn't show her the apartment and the pictures were enough for her. Anyways, so we had our 3rd, we actually REALLY liked her and life was good. It was around 5:00 by now. We went back to the box to get ready and meet with the landlord. I had called her earlier to confirm our meeting. She called back around 5:15 and told me, "she was so sorry, but she had already rented the apartment out to someone else". Now, I guess this is going to happen a lot, but this was the first time it happened, and it sucked hard core. Kelly cried, I can't really cry when it's stuff like this... but we went out that night and met a few assistants and drank a little and it kicked in for me then. I sort of had a mini panic attack on the metro about how I had no where to live, and really didn't have too many places to go back to. For me, it's the highs and lows. I can keep trucking it and trying to find a place and showering at friend's places and working out of the Macdo, but the high of thinking it's over, only to have it totally not work out, sucks. Anyways, the whole thing isn't all bad, because we met Gabby. She's really cool. I showered at her uncle's house yesterday and him and his girlfriend made me an amazing French dinner. Over dinner I proceeded to ask him how old his pussy was, and that I thought is pussy was really cute. French word for cat = Chat. Apparently, if you pronounce the "T" then it's slang for pussy. YAY FRANCE! but no really, i'm loving it. Please wish me good housing luck.

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