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loving life. and when times are rough, trying.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Delicious Food Spotlight!

La Duree:

How is anyone expected to stay thin in Paris, when La Dure exists?? Honestly! I've discovered and become obsessed with macaroons. They are so amazing and the ones at La Duree are exceptionally delicious.

Not to mention the pastries and cakes that are in all the little bakeries at every corner. Yesterday, after starving for the whole day because we're stupid, kelly and I finally walked to the local market in Noisy. There we bought a baguette and a wheel of amazing cheese, which we totally inhaled on the street corner, like some urchins. Anyways, after that I ate my first French eclair! sooo amazing. <3

A few nights ago we went out to dinner with Victor in Versailles. Obviously, when you're in France, you go out to eat Italian food. And yay for the fact that we did. The pizza was sooo good! I'm used to random toppings on pizza from Japan, but France brought a first, pizza with egg on it!:

Lastly, the other night Kelly and I met up with Jenny, her friend Lynia (who is really awesome) and a girl from my program Caitlin, also very cool. We hung out at what was probably the most extravagant star bucks EVER. It looked like a mini cathedral, with art on the ceilings and extravagant chandeliers. After that Caitlin took off and the rest of us went to dinner. While we had all agreed on "something cheap" we somehow ended up at a super trendy place that looked like a freaking night club. I felt a little sex and the city. Anyways, I can't remember the name of the restaurant, but I def. plan on going back to it. The food was super delicious!

And finally a compliant! The food here is amazing, but would it kill them to just give us a freaking pitcher of water. Since I got here, I'm ALWAYS dehydrated. At restaurants they give you these tiny ass carafe's of water, and by the time 3 people pour themselves some, it's over and then you have to wait 20 minutes for another carafe. I know it seems silly to gripe about, but it's REALLY irritating. lol. Not to mention the word carafe d'eau (a crafe of water) is really hard for me to say in French, so that's always a good time. I actually had a Turkish server (in good fun) make fun of me as i stumbled all over myself asking for a glass of water. Yay for adventure.


  1. Oh my god. That looks amazing. I'm so jealous of your taste buds right now. This just makes me more anxious to visit you!

    I'm glad you and your stomach are enjoying France! Post more foodie pictures for us!

  2. The food looks phenomenal. New Urban Dictionary phrase: the French 50. More exotic than the Freshman 20.
