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loving life. and when times are rough, trying.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Searching for housing in Paris is like getting dumped ten times a day.

So here it is. The ball of stress I've been dancing around. Victor is amazing, but we can't really live at his place. This was a temporary thing and as amazing as it was, we haven't found anywhere to live. As it turns out, housing is impossible to find in Paris. Ya there are those lucky few that "know someone", but shit... if you don't know anyone then life is rough on you. Every day ten times a day I get turned down. I'm starting to have anxiety about the whole thing. It's like random strangers telling me I can't live in their hole of a studio has become some extension of all my fears of rejection. In short, IT BLOWS. Kelly, god bless her, turns into a random spastic stress ball at any given moment. Which while funny when it's over, kinda sucks when it's happening. Anyways, at this point I keep having to tell myself to be positive and honestly, it's hard to be negative for too long when I look around me and see all the awesome architecture, feel the great weather and just take in this new place I'm in.

Crazy at the Metro:

On another note, tonight we had dinner with some friends in the city, right next to the Opéra de Paris. It was a totally warm and perfect night. We went to this really delicious restaurant and had amazing food, pic. to come. i promise. Anyways, after that Kelly and I had to head back to Noisy Le Roi. Let's rewind to the dinner conversation:
our french friend Jenny: we should wrap this up, it's getting late and it's dangerous on the trains late at night.
kelly (cocky mc' cockster): nah, we're fine, I've been walking around WAY later at night before.
Jenny: ummm....ok.
Alright, now we're back to heading back to Noisy Le Roi. So we're sitting on the SNCF (a train for longer journeys) when we both hear some loud noises. I slowly look back, because come on, everyone loves a good show. Anyways, so I look back and pretty much see this huge black guy arguing with this poor old man sitting on the seat, with headphones on. Now when I say arguing, what I mean is this huge ass guy is screaming at this other man. It starts out with just a loud rant, but he breaks into a full on scream fest and tops it off by punching the poor old guy in the face. At this point other people get involved trying to stop the big guy, who is at this point screaming at the top of his lungs, saying shit like: THIS IS FRANCE! THIS IS THE REAL FRANCE! HE NEEDS TO HEAR THIS! YOU ALL NEED TO HEAR THIS! pretty much prowling back and forth in our cart SCREAMING at people. I pretty much sat there, trying my hardest not to make eye contact with him. I was convinced if I made eye contact, he would come over and start yelling, and then find out I am not french and then probably just attack me... or something to that affect. Anyways, when the train stopped, we ran off the train and switched carts, as did a lot of other people. It was pretty scary, and while the, "he might snap if he found out I wasn't French" is partly a joke, it's fairly real as well. I'm not aware of the depths of that sentiment, as I have received a lot of kindness in France, but all the same I keep seeing stickers on English adds that read "en francias s'il vous plait", which pretty much means: In French Please. Anyways, it's 12:30, I'm on benadryl and the room is getting woozy... so it's good night from Noisy!


  1. you have only been there two weeks! like i told you earlier it is part of the initiation to be stressed out really you will get a place! just keep enjoying yourself!

  2. Thanks! you're right. I will. I have a good feeling about getting housing soon! Tmrw is my first french strike! hah. yay France.
