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loving life. and when times are rough, trying.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mumford, madness and mediocrity

On Mumford:
Yesterday I was lucky enough to see one of my favorite bands preform live. I was able to go, because someone I'm becoming friends with had an extra ticket. How I became lucky enough to receive said ticket, I have no idea, but I'm glad. The show was amazing. I know that's what everyone always says about their most recent show... but it was incredible. From the second I walked into the venue the music was exhilarating. Nathaniel Rateliff was one of the opening performers, and while I thought he looked like the dwarf from Lord of The Rings, I'm simply in love with his voice. His vocal chords are thing of total wonder. I have been listening to his music and it is wonderful. He's also known to perform in random parks, so I can only hope to get so lucky. The next band that performed was a new discovery as well. Old Crow Medicine Show were also just incredible. I got their album Big Iron World, and it's pretty phenomenal. It baffles me that they've been recording since the 90's and I've never heard of them. It also makes me realize how much great talent there is out there, in every respect, that I just have not come into contact with.
Also hanging out with someone who isn't already an established friend served as a solid reminder of what an awkward spazz I can be with new people. To be honest, I was incredibly nervous and self conscious, because I felt like it was too much to just accept the ticket for the show without paying for it. In reality, I was invited, and I had offered to pay, so it probably wasn't a big deal at all. But me being me, and not really used to random amazing favors, was really uncomfortable and awkward. I think at one point I was talking about witch doctors and throwing babies out of windows...eek. lol. Anyways, as soon as I heard the music, it all just went away. I felt like I was just there by myself. Nathaniel Rateliff's voice is amazing. He sang a song, that I've discovered is called "shroud" and his voice and the music is the only thing I can remember from there on. It reminded me of what music is to me, how I can just go to shows by myself, and have the time of my life. It is great.

On Madness:
So, we're officially homeless. On the road, using Macdo (McDonalds) wifi to get in touch with people. Living in a hole the size of a pull out bed with no bathroom and a public toilet that is shared with 12 other people...lol..awesome. And yes, no bathroom = no shower. So we're at the mercy of people we know with bathrooms, to take showers at their places... it's good stuff. I plan on dealing with this by drinking lots of wine, eating lots of macaroons and just walking around the city taking pictures. good stuff.

On Mediocrity:
Every time I am in the presence of what I consider true talent, it throws me into a whirlwind of emotions. It ranges from aspiration, to inspiration, to self loathing, to just awe. I am not sure at what stage in that cycle I am right now, but the process has definitely started. I am incredibly bad at self gauging. Maybe everyone is. I can't really worry about everyone though. If thousands of books later, great thinkers have been unable to quantify the unbridgeable chasm that exists between people, far be it for me take it on. The fact that I spend an unreasonable amount of time thinking about it, is an entirely different matter. At any rate, figuring out my own creative capacity, and creating a space for myself in which I can stand against my own standards is an important part of what I'm doing here in France. I hope to be able to figure out what the correct questions are, so that I can start answering them.

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